

My name is Ilya Lakhin, and I am professional web developer from Novosibirsk, Russia.

I had been working as a remote contractor for various IT companies and start-ups around the world since 2007. And my professional expertise includes a number of front-end and back-end technologies.

Key Skills

Front-end: - Angular.JS - Marionette, Backbone - EcmaScript6 - CoffeeScript - Q/Async/Promises/Bluebird/Lodash - Gulp and Grunt - Webpack - Require.JS, Browserify

Specific Web technologies: - WebRTC / Opentok - Canvas and WebGL - WebSocket / Socket.io - D3.js

Back-end: - Node.JS, Express, HAPI, MEAN.js - PHP, Yii, Symfony2 - Ruby on Rails

Databases: - MySQL - MongoDB, Mongoose - Redis - ElasticSearch

Limited experience in: - Python - Scala and Java - Golang - Erlang - Cordova

Tools and environments: - Git/Github - Amazon Web Services - LAMP servers administration