Incremental Compilers
In Winter 2013 I had been working on my personal large research project based on Scala programming language.
Papa Carlo is a constructor of PEG parsers for custom programming languages utilises incremental approach. An incremental parser is one that can recompile only those portions of a program that have been modified. Ordinary parsers must process entire source code file.
My goal was deep learning of one of the most complicated applied computer-science problem, practicing with some new technologies such as Scala, SBT, Scala.JS and practicing with cutting-edge architecture approaches came from functional programming.
As a result I have implemented ready-to-use OSS solution. Now it is one of the best-known projects in Scala community, mentioning by a number of top Scala developers: Martin Odersky and Paul Phillips, and was demonstrated in Scala Days conference in 2014 by Sébastien Doeraene, developer of the Scala.JS.
Another interesting outcome was a Java Incremental Parser implemented by a third-party developers that was based on my Scala library.
I also will be glad to provide you with my services in implementation of the parsers and web-crawlers based on the experience I gained in this research.
Links: Demo in action Project's page papa-carlo@github Related blog post